Island View Lodge
Kalimbeza RestCamp & Fishing Safaris
Kalizo Lodge & Sir Osis Houseboat
Shamwari Houseboat Adventures
Impalila Island Lodge
Ntwala Island Lodge
Ichobezi Island Lodge, Houseboat & Air Charter
King's Den Lodge
Zovu Elephant Lodge
Savanah Lodge
Queen of the Zambezi
Still under Construction, Please be patient.
& Kasika + Impalila
Katima Mulilo
The vegetation and scenery of the Eastern Caprivi is totaly different from that of the West Caprivi, leading to new experiences after exploring the Western Caprivi and Kwando.
In the Eastern Caprivi, the 3 western lodges is accessed by turning of at the Kalimbeza turnoff, about 12km east of Katima Mulilo on the road to Ngoma.
Then, proceed on the gravel road for about 18km for the turnoff to Island View and Kalimbeza restcamp, and at 20 km for the turnoff to Kalizo Lodge.
Kalizo Lodge have a houseboat claaed "Sir Osis of the River" (now say that one quick!) that operates from Kalizo.
Shamwari Houseboat is faring between Islandview / Kalimbeza to the Chobe.
The far Eastern lodges is only accessed through Botswana's town of Kasane, where you have to check out at the port at customs, and will be fetched by boat to take you to the lodge. (Otherwise by landing on Impalila's Airstrip with a charter airplane)
The Lodges include "clockwise"/East-West:
Impalila Island:
Impalila Island Lodge, Ntwala Island Lodge, Ichobezi Lodge & Houseboat.
Kasika: King's Den Lodge, Zovu Elephant Lodge and Savanah Lodge.
The newly renovated Queen of the Zambezi Luxury Houseboat is operating from King's Den.